Bill of Rights
This document has been developed with input from the people we support, their family members, interns, staff, and leadership, and reflects the shared values and goals of our organization.
The people we support have the right to be presumed competent.
Speak to people using natural language.
Speak to people presuming that they understand.
A lack of or delay in expressive language does not constitute a lack of understanding.
The people we support have the right to be treated with respect and held to high expectations.
Speak to people, not about them.
Speak about people with other staff only in private.
Include people in problem solving.
Keep people working toward the goal of becoming as autonomous and interdependent as possible.
The people we support have the right to make and learn from mistakes.
Teach a skill rather than doing it for someone.
Practice that skill so the person becomes increasingly experienced over time.
Provide as little support as possible.
Allow the person to take ownership of their accomplishments.
The people we support have the right to feel supported.
Listen to people’s words and actions.
Ask questions about people’s thoughts and feelings.
Ask others for help if you see a potential challenge.
The people we support have the right to benefit from an approach that integrates various disciplines.
Learn from people, families, leadership, staff, and interns.
Include the most effective parts of our disciplines without relying on one particular practice.
Change tactics when something is not working.
Ask for help.
Given our collective professional experience and personal knowledge, we agree that the above Bill of Rights is a living document that outlines our shared philosophy.